Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Inspiration List

Not long ago I started developing a list of 101 things I'd like to have or experience in my life before I die. I've been reading Jack Canfield's book The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You are to Where You Want to Be.

At first, I thought, "No sweat. I've been thinking about what matters to me for ages." But as I wrote the numbers from 1 to 101 in my journal, I began to realize the magnitude of the task. As I continued to write entries-- in tangible language, with emotion and sense-specific words-- I recognized what a challenge of discovery this would be.

This choice I made to create "the" list started about a week ago. I am working backwards from 101. I'm currently at #71 even though I've written every single day. It may take longer than expected!

Still, I've already gathered valuable insights:
a) Each desire taps a very deep part of me. They are uniquely mine.
b) When I write down my desires, the specifics become clearer, details sharper.
c) Each goal written down is available, not just a fleeting thought. I've captured it!
c) Writing after I meditate/pray lets my soul and my inner spirit have their say.


d) List-making REALLY brings out what inspires me and what matters most.
e) The further I go, the more I "bring to the surface" newer aspects of the still-developing me.

So, are you intrigued yet? If so, here are the basics (with due respect to Mr. Canfield. You can find more in his book and in his materials on The Success Principles website... He suggests writing just 90 items by the way.)
  • Write down "30 things you want to do, 30 things you want to have, and 30 things you want to be before you die" (p. 28).
  • Make each item tangible by your picturesque word choice or by adding photos, magazine pictures, drawings, artwork, etc...
  • Add music or sounds or other things that stimulate your senses.
  • Review your list often... Maybe list a time in your calendar to review it next?
  • Rehearse it over and over again. Think about each item and experience it in your mind's eye and feel it in your heart.
I won't go into the psychology or the technical explanations about why this process works. Canfield explains that in plain language... so I encourage you to read his book.

Hopefully this idea inspires you! If that doesn't do it, set aside a couple hours to watch the movie The Bucket List. It's the Hollywood take on the same theme.

All the Best for Today and the Days/Months/Years Yet to Come... It's your choice how you want to live each day!

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